Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is "voandalana"

Mother f'ing voandalana. 
It's a joke? 
You're supposed to ask for it? 
You're supposed to give it? 
What is voandalana exactly? 

The whole voandalana system is confusing and always frustrating to me.
Voandalana literally translates to, fruits of the road
So, when one goes on a trip, they're on the road and when we come back we give people gifts from the road. I think that's a cool cultural thing. 
Until... I have complete strangers asking me for voandalana. I think it's a nice gesture until... I have children asking me everyday for a voandalana when I only go to work at the hospital 1km away. 
I'm thinking, "we were just walking down the same road!!" I'm wanting to yell, "where's my voandalana?" Or "I went to work, and didn't buy voandalana." Or "I can't buy voandalana for all 2,000 of you." 
It was used almost like Bon voyage!
" I'm going away to visit a friend for a few days!"-me
"Okay, bring back voandalana!" -all humans that see me leave.
With no goodbyes, no safe travels! 
It was used as a greeting as I'm getting out of the taxi brousse.
"Where's the voandalana?" 
Oh, hey to you guys too! 
In the beginning I gave voandalana! I gave fruits, vegetables, toys, bread, photos, and more! That was a slippery slope. There was never enough to give and then every time I went away they expected it. I spent a lot of money on voandalana! Not good. Doesn't help me make friends, just shows off the money they think I have. 

Sometimes the people that I consider my friends tell me, "it's just a joke, Kelsey."
Uhhh okay, the joke is getting old and it's not all that funny to begin with. 

So, I've come up with some answers, to help with my sanity of this weird cultural difference. And I actually didn't come up with these, I'm using them though!
"I'm your voandalana!" The white person who works for free in your community. 
"The road is dry." That is sometimes true.
"Next time." That's actually a bold face lie.
"It's all gone, I've given it all away." Sometimes this is true. 
Or I just avoid the question by diverting the conversation to "the weather is great today, huh?" Or "how's your health?" Or I just laugh at it now, proving it's a joke or proving to them I've actually lost my sanity/might seem drunk to them. 
Literally fruit of the road for purchasing purposes, fueling the need for people to ask for voandalana.

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