Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gift packages!!

Hello!! First off let me thank everyone who has already sent me packages and letters! I love receiving them no matter what's inside or how lengthy the letter is, (it feels like Christmas or my birthday each time- seriously though)!

Many people have been messaging me about what they can send me or what I need so I figured it'd be a good idea to have a post about it (and other PCVs did this too). 

Some advice to keep it inexpensive; try sending it through USPS flat rate boxes, do NOT use DHL!! 

BP 217  
 309 Farafangana

Photos (help me remember what you look like)
Wet wipes
Hand sanitizer
Candy!!! (Any type)
Drink packets (coffee, tea, juice)
Oatmeal packets
Candles (remember no electricity)
Scotch tape

For the kiddos:
Coloring books
Construction paper
Pencils and pens for school
Hot Wheels
Balls (love soccer balls) 
Glow sticks 
Anything from the dollar store really

***please no loud toys, they manage to break everything BUT loud noise makers and I have to suffer, along with adults and animals, basically everyone's ears bleed but the children's. 

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