Thursday, September 11, 2014

WASH Parties!

With some left over money from my latrine construction project the communities celebrated the completion of the latrines with a water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) party! We gave diplomas to the men that went through the construction training, acknowledged and thanked them for their hard work. There were four stations with different activities for the kids (and turns out the adults liked it too) to teach them about hand washing and to celebrate good hygiene practices. Here are some photos of those parties. 

Hands and what to do with them when dirty! Photo by Marcelo Morinigo

Banaz singing the hand washing song with the kids. Photo by Marcelo Morinigo

Nice posters given by GRET to educate the community on cleanliness. 

Giving diplomas! Photo taken by Marcelo Morinigo

Making tippy taps!

Learning to make tippy taps!

Marcelo teaching about the importance of washing hands and using tippy taps.

 Manicures by Banaz!

Manicures by Marcelo!

The cutest and most grammatically correct gift I've received by the community! 

OH, and big thanks to all PCVs that helped with the parties!! I couldn't have done it without you!

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